# Select

The select classification is only given to:

# Select

  :options="{first: 'First', second: 'Second', third: 'Third', fourth: 'Fourth'}"
  placeholder="Select an option"
  label="Which of your children is your favorite?"

The options prop can be an object, an array of objects, or array of strings. When using an array of objects each object must include a label and value property.

    { value: 'first', label: 'First name' },
    { value: 'last', label: 'Last name' },
    { value: 'initial', label: 'Middle Initial', id: 'name-initial' },
    { value: 'maiden', label: 'Maiden name', disabled: true },


The label and value properties are required when using an array of objects, however you can also pass id, disabled, or an attrs sub-object with additional attributes to bind to each option.

When using an array of strings, the provided string will be both the value and the label.

  :options="['Bologna', 'Rome', 'Florence']"


Native select elements don’t have placeholders, but that prop is available and will inject a non-selectable option item as the initially selected value.

# Option grouping

Use the optionGroups prop when you need to use <optgroup>.

  label="Select an available meeting time"
  placeholder="Choose a time"
    Morning: {
      10: '10am',
      11: '11am'
    Afternoon: {
      15: '3pm',
      17: '5pm'

String values only

Although Vue Formulate supports non-string values, HTML select inputs only support string values. As such when using a Number as an option value the value will automatically be re-cast as a string.