# Inputs

Inputs are the base element of Vue Formulate and using them is very easy. To begin, simply use the <FormulateInput /> component tag to declare any type of input field and you get validation, model binding, file uploads, and a plugin system to boot. Here's an example of changing the input type itself:

View source
      label="Change an input type"
      label="Favorite B10 football team?"
      :options="{nebraska: 'Nebraska', ohiost: 'Ohio St.', michigan: 'Michigan'}"
      validation-name="Team name"

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      type: 'select',
      types: {
        select: 'Select list',
        radio: 'Radio list',
        text: 'Text field',
        textarea: 'Text area',
        checkbox: 'checkbox',

# Model binding

Checkout the Getting Started documentation for details on how to bind models to FormulateInput fields.

# Setting an initial value

There are three ways to set the initial value of a field:

  • Using v-model
  • Using the value prop
  • Using a FormulateForm

# Initial value with v-model

Using v-model to set the initial value of an input field is as simple as declaring a data property to use as the v-model


export default {
  data () {
    return {
      myModel: 'Initial value'


# Initial value with value prop

Sometimes it's helpful to set the initial value of a field without binding a model. This can be done with the value prop, no v-model necessary:

  value="One time initial value"



Note: When using v-model and value on the same <FormulateInput> the initial value will use the value over the v-model, updating the v-model to match.

# Initial value with FormulateForm

Frequently, it’s important to set the initial value for a whole collection of field elements, like on an update form. You can easily do this by allowing a wrapping FormulateForm to set the value of its fields:


export default {
  data () {
    return {
      formValues: {
        username: 'mojiko',
        email: 'mojiko@gmail.com'


# Props

Each FormulateInput can be configured by declaring props. The list below contains all of the available universal options:


Some FormulateInput types have props that are specific to their type. Please reference the input library for the type you're implementing to see all available props.

Prop Description
debounce A debounce delay (in milliseconds) before the input's model is updated.
disableErrors Will not show any error messages when set to true.
error A custom error message to be manually shown on an element (validation errors are generated on their own). This error will always be visible (if you want to remove it, use a dynamic prop).
errors An array of custom error messages to show on an element (see above).
error‑behavior Defines when error messages are shown. Can be blur (default), submit, value, or live. Anytime a <FormulateForm> element is submitted errors are also shown. live will always display all error messages for the input, and value will show errors immediately after content has been entered into the field.
help-position The position of the help text before or after (default is after).
help Help text to be displayed with the input.
id The id of the input (defaults to an auto-generated one)
keep-model-data Keeps the input's data in the model when removing it from a FormulateForm.
label A descriptive label for the input element.
label‑position Most input elements place the label before the input by default. The box classification places labels after by default, but either can be overridden with this prop.
name Adds a name attribute, and when used with <FormulateForm> this is the key of the field. If no name is defined a random hash will be assigned
options Array or object of options (select or box classifications)
placeholder The placeholder attribute of the element (if applicable)
show‑errors When true this forces an element to show it’s errors regardless of the state of the error-behavior.
type Required. The type of input element. See the input library for a full range of options.
validation-rules See custom validation rules.
validation A string or array of validation rules. See input validation
validation‑messages See custom validation messages.
validation‑name The name to use in validation error messages. By default, this uses the name prop if available and falls back to the label prop. It can be explicitly overridden here if needed.
value An initial unbound value (use when v-model or form binding is not a good option)

# Events

These events are emitted by every input type (in addition to native DOM events).

Event Description
@input Emitted every time the value of the field changes. Typically this is used implicitly by using v-model.
@validation Emitted anytime the state of validation changes for an input, irregardless of the visibility of the errors (v2.3+). More details
@error-visibility Emitted when the visibility of the errors changes, for example, on blur or submit (v2.3+).
@blur-context Emitted on blur, but includes the input's context as the payload.

# Context object

All inputs contain a comprehensive context object that details nearly everything about the operation of the input. It is passed into all custom inputs and slots.

Property Description
addLabel The label to display inside "add more" button on group and file[multiple] inputs.
attributes An object of non-prop attributes passed to the input like placeholder
blurHandler Function that must be called when an input blurs.
classification The classification of the input.
disableErrors Boolean indicating if errors should be displayed for this field (defaults to false).
errors Errors set via the form error handling or directly on the input itself via error or errors props. Does not include validation errors.
hasValue Boolean indicates if the field has a valid value.
hasLabel Boolean indicating if the field has a label prop, button classification is always false.
hasValidationErrors Function, returns a Promise that resolves to a Boolean.
help The help prop value (help text)
helpPosition The position of the help text, before or after the element wrapper. Defaults to before.
getValidationErrors Function, returns a Promise that resolves to an array of validation error objects.
id The id prop or an auto-generated id.
isValid Boolean indicating if the field has no errors at all (visible or not).
imageBehavior The value of the image-behavior prop. Defaults to preview.
isSubField A function that returns a boolean indicating if it is a descendant of a group type.
label The value of the label prop.
labelPosition The position of the label, before or after. Default is before for all except box classified inputs. Can be overridden with label-position prop.
limit For a group type, this is the is the maximum number of repeatable items allowed (default is Infinity).
minimum For a group type, this is the minimum number of repeatable items allowed (default is 0).
model The value of the current field, bound to a setter.
name The name of the field, if none is set, it auto-generates a name.
options The options prop converted to an array (when applicable).
performValidation Function that will run validation. This is executed on every input automatically.
preventWindowDrops true by default, this prevents the browser from navigating to a file when the user misses the dropzone.
removeLabel The label to display inside "remove" button on group inputs.
repeatable Boolean indicating if a field is repeatable or not.
rootEmit Function identical to $emit, but should be used in custom inputs and slots to emit events from the root <FormulateInput>.
rules Array of validation rules on the input. Array is populated with objects containing { ruleName: string, args: [] }.
setErrors Function to set (or clear) the current errors (not validation errors).
showValidationErrors Boolean, true if the validation errors should be displayed.
type The type of input.
uploadBehavior The upload-behavior prop, live or delayed.
uploader Uploader function. uploader prop, axios, or uploader defined when initializing.
uploadUrl The upload-url prop, or the uploadUrl defined when initializing.
validationErrors An array of the current validation errors irregardless of their visibility.
value The value prop, not the current value of the field. This is the exact value passed into the value prop, usually used to set the initial value of the field.
visibleValidationErrors Array of the current validation errors being displayed.


If you inspect the context object, you may find additional properties not listed in the table above. Using these is discouraged since they are not considered available for public consumption and may change between minor versions.